
Dolce Far Niente 1

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Length of video: 71 minutes


Dolce Far Niente is an Italian phrase meaning “sweetly doing nothing.” It refers to the happy times in one's life when you can really let go, relax and enjoy things with no demands or responsibilities. The girls in both Dolce Far Niente 1 and in the follow-up video Dolce Far Niente 2, enjoy their leisure times engrossed in many activities. You can enjoy your leisure time by watching them and admiring their naked beauty!
Dolce Far Niente 1 begins with Kylie and Alice running around happily taking off their clothes and swinging each other around. They weave and sway on a sofa back and play at being cats and rabbits. This scene is one of the finest displays of girls having fun in their natural state of nakedness!
To entertain us even more as we enjoy our leisure time, Anna decides to disrobe for photos and Jennifer runs along country roads intent on bringing up quite a sweat. The three girls, Vicki, Adela, and Dominika, as always, play happily:  they run and cavort around the games room, doing hula hoops, skipping ropes, and doing star jumps. (Click here to see a list of all videos with the girls exercising naked in various circumstances and ways.)
Kylie enjoys a pleasant warm afternoon by leisurely walking around naked in the gardens of a huge palace. By contrast, Alice and Gwen then play in their own ways by being cats and running through the countryside.
Finally Dominika sensuously rubs her body with oil in the softness of a candle-lit room. (Click here to watch several of the girls from Naturally Naked Nudes rub oil on their bodies.) Dominika dances in a multitude of laser lights and by the light of sparklers, bringing to a glorious end your day of Dolce Far Niente.


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